

Welcome Scouts, Parents and Future Scouts!

Scouts BSA Troop 35,
Laguna Beach, California,
Orange County Council
For Boys & Girls!

Who are we?
Best Alive!
We are Troop 35!

Laguna Beach Troop 35 - 2023 Scout Sunday

Scouts BSA in Laguna Beach
Chartered by the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5868

Laguna Beach, CA

John Gabbard, Post Commander, Executive Officer

Frank Daniel, Chartered Organization Representative

Troops & Patrols meet 1st and 3rd Thursday evening

Laguna Presbyterian Church 
415 Forest Avenue, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Meet at the Church Patio 


Michael Lindsey - Boy Troop
Mark Withycombe - Girl Troop




 Want to join or have a question? Contact Us!


Laguna Beach
Scouts BSA Troop 35

Boy Troop & Girl Troop

Invite You to Join the Adventure!

in Laguna Beach, California!

Boys and Girls can join Scouts BSA at age 11 or in the spring of their 5th grade year. They continue in Scouting up until age 18, when they can become adult volunteers. Your son or daughter will join one of our age and grade-based patrol groups in our Boy Troop 35, (est. 1945) or in the newly chartered Girl Troop 35  (est. 2019). If your scout is older than 11, ask us about which "patrol" they should join.

Register Today!

SCOUTS: If your son or daughter is new to Scouting, you'll need to fill out a Youth Application (click this link to download one) or you can go to the Scout Forms page.    OR fill out an on line application:  https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=92651&program%5B0%5D=pack&program%5B1%5D=scoutsBSA&cubFilter=all&scoutsBSAFilter=all&miles=10#    Select either the Boy Troop or the Girl Troop and follow the instructions in the one line application program.

ADULTS: Men and women are welcome to volunteer.  If you'll be serving as a volunteer, you'll need to complete Youth Protection Training before you submit the adult application.  The training is done on line and should take about 2 hours. It is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district, and unit levels.   Please go to the menu on this website and click on Adult Membership and Youth Protection Training for information about how to become an adult volunteer.  Click here for an Adult Application  or you can go to the Scout Forms page.   Once an adult is registered, the adult may take additional training courses to be designated as a trained leader or as an assistant scoutmaster or scoutmaster.  

ANNUAL DUES:  The dues amount for 2020 for youth is $250 (prorated depending on month joined) and the adults dues amount is $50.    The youth dues covers the national and local registration and insurance fees noted on the Scouts BSA application as well as the program costs for our troop.  The adult dues is for national fees, insurance and a background check.    National Scouts BSA has a one time joining fee for youth of $25.   Each Troop has a new youth member package of troop items that costs $115 to cover the cost of a troop duffle bag, T-shirt, neckerchief and slide and Scouts BSA handbook.    The Troop will collect the dues. New members and new adult volunteers have an option to pay these amounts via Pay Pal through our website, check or cash.   We do have scholarships available through our troop or council if a family needs financial assistance.   We do not want financial concerns to prevent a youth member from joining Scouts BSA.  

Join Today! Join us for an outstanding 2020-21 program.   We follow all recommendations for Covid restrictions for small group meetings.  New members can join at anytime.   



Adults interested in volunteering?   Click here to login and take Youth Protection training .
Before you can become an adult volunteer, you must take Youth Protection Training.  Instructions on how to start the on line training are on the training page.


2015 Boy Scout Summer Camp Emerald Bay Pics

Troop 35 HAT Completes 40+ Mile Backpacking Trek

Posted on Jul 27 2024 - 11:28pm

Troop 35 HAT (High Adventure Team) has successfully completed their 40+ mile backpacking trek through the Sierra Nevada Mountains, raising the Troop standard at 12,000’.

Weekend of Service

Posted on Nov 4 2023 - 9:41pm

Today Pack 35 met at Alta Laguna Park and picked up trash.     The most unusual item found was a smashed cell phone.   The most common items found were candy wrappers.     Troop 35 B and G members may still do service projects this weekend to earn the Day of Service Patch.   Please email me a photo of the service project and tell me where you performed the service.   Thank you for helping our community.   Pam Jensen Troop 35 Committee Chair

Day of Service Projects

Posted on Oct 14 2023 - 11:41pm

Day of Service is November 4.   Troops 35 B and G and Pack 35 will donate canned food and clothing to several nonprofit organizations.  .Troops:   Food collection for Laguna Beach Food Pantry.     Pack and Troops:  Children's and Women's Clothing, Socks of all kinds, games, and baby items for Compassion with Action.   Pack and Troops:  children's books with a science theme for the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center.    Refer to recent emails for more details. 

A message from the Troop Committee Chair

Posted on Oct 7 2023 - 11:44pm

Welcome to another Scout Year for Troops 35 B and G.  I hope to see everyone at the Court of Honor on Sunday, Oct 8.  Set up begins at 3pm and the COH starts at 3:30pm.   We will honor the youth for the ranks, merit badges and awards earned over the summer.  We bid farewell in June to our graduating seniors in both Troops.   We welcomed our Troop 35 B newest members in the spring and at summer camp,   They have named their patrol the Ace Patrol.  I am putting out a request to the parents of the Ace patrol members to consider joining the adult leaders at our next Troop committee meeting on Tuesday, Oct 24 at 7pm via a Zoom link.  The link will be posted on the calendar.   We would like at least one parent of the Ace patrol to become a registered adult committee member and to attend the meetings.  If you are interested in attending, please let me know at the Court of Honor.    Parents of other patrols are also welcome to become involved so let me know.   We also need at least one or two more adult female leaders to go on camping events with our girl troop.    Contact Mark or Cheryl Withycombe if you would like to register as an adult leader for the girl troop.  

Troop Committee Minutes Jan 23 2023

Posted on Jan 29 2023 - 12:20am

Troop Committee Meeting was held via Zoom.   We had a special guest of our Unit Commissioner Gary Ibanez to observe our meeting and hear our event plans.   Pam Jensen opened the meeting with the announcement of the awards from the El Camino Real District awards night in December 2022.    Michael Lindsey received Cubmaster of the Year for his work with Pack 35    The Exceptional Scouter (aka Extra Miler) Award for Troop 35B went to Mike Sweeney and Alan Hundhausen and for Troop 35G to Liz Houston and Mark Withycombe.  Liz gave the Treasurer Report and noted that only a handful of families still need to pay the 2023 dues and national and council fees.    Pam will send out reminder emails.  Scoutmaster Reports reported on the events of the last month.   Advancement Chair reports involved a discussion of the upcoming court of honor.  Since a few more scouts will qualify for rank and merit badges if the COH is held in February, the Committee decided to postpone the Jan 29th COH.   Committee decided to hold the COH for Troop 35B at the Feb 16 troop meeting.   Troop 35G will decide the timing of their COH within the next two weeks.  We have two new Eagle scouts - Rain and Sebastian.   Summer Camp report - first payment will be due soon.   Please make your payments on time.   High Adventure Team report discussed the recent hike and upcoming events.  Recent rains did change plans so some things will be rescheduled.   For New Business, the Committee discussed upcoming plans for separate recruitment nights for Troop 35 G and for Troop 35B.    35G older scouts are planning the t35 event.   Discussion was how to publicise it.   Six of the ten girls who were the first members of Troop 35 G are now Eagle Scouts.    Discussion was about having them make a video about experiences in scouting.    Date of the recruiting events will be decided in the next two weeks as the PLC of each unit will assist in the decision.  Committee spent the rest of the meeting reviewing the calendar and making final plans for upcoming events.     Consult the Troop calendar for the events.  At the end of the meeting Chairman Pam Jensen announced that  after 6.5 years, she will step down as Chair at the end of May 2023.   She said that it is important for the chair to attend events and she is not able to attend many of the events due to her job requirements.    Position is open to any adult registered with either Troop.   Minutes submitted, Pam Jensen

Seeking Troop Committee Chair to start June 2023

Posted on Jan 29 2023 - 12:17am

The Troop committee is one group for both Troop 35 B and Troop 35 G.   It is made up of  registered adults with either a son or daughter in the troop or registered adults whose children were in the troop and continue to be interested in helping with the Troop 35 programs.    The committee members each take on a role such as the overall chair, advancement, summer camp, weekend camping, treasurer, HAT, new member coordinator,  quartermaster and organizing events and helping as needed.    The chair oversees the committee to ensure that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.  The chair arranges the troop committee meeting each month and works with OCBSA to ensure the Troops' programs are in accordance with OCBSA/Scouts BSA guidelines.   The length of service as the chair usually follows the timing of when a son or daughter is in the troop.   This position will be open June 1, 2023 so the Troop Committee and Chartered Organization are looking for someone to take over in June.  You have to register as an adult leader but you don't have to be currently serving on the committee.  If you have questions about all the responsibilities of the Chair and /or you are interested in being considered for the Chair position,please contact the current chair, Pam Jensen.    

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